Spectacular Movements (Movimientos espectaculares with English subtitles)
Spectacular Movements (English subtitles)
1h 17m
The young indigenous and mestizo actors of Teatro Trono stir up their collective memories of the social movements that sparked the revolution that currently transforms Bolivia, creating performances for their itinerant theater-truck and the street. The group struggles to overcome their doubts about living up to their heritage – especially since they decide to manifest those who died in the massacre at the heart of the revolution. Their paralyzing fear is overcome by the most unexpected force: the spirits of the dead themselves, seeking delayed justice and creative transformation, not just on stage, but also in the streets.
Up Next in Spectacular Movements (English subtitles)
Movimientos espectaculares (versión o...
Los jóvenes de Teatro Trono, mestizos e indígenas de la ciudad de El Alto, remueven la memoria nacional boliviana de los movimientos violentos que fueron chispa para la revolución que actualmente da vuelta a la realidad nacional. La lucha de los jóvenes, tan personal como colectiva, es vencer a s...